
Maciej Dutko: Go and bargain! Zen of negotiations

10,00 49,00 

You have been negotiating your entire life: in kindergarten, at school, at work, at home, while shopping, in business… Sometimes however bargaining is accompanied by disputes, claims or even harm to one of the parties involved. Unnecessarily.

Thanks to this book, you will learn how to negotiate in a smart and conscious way, so as instead of taking the advantage and winning at all cost reach the balance and profits for each of the parties.

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An extraordinary book
on ordinary negotiations!

You have been negotiating your entire life: in kindergarten, at school, at work, at home, while shopping, in business… Sometimes however bargaining is accompanied by disputes, claims or even harm to one of the parties involved. Unnecessarily.

Thanks to this book, you will learn how to negotiate in a smart and conscious way, so as instead of taking the advantage and winning at all cost reach the balance and profits for each of the parties.

Probably the first book
on negotiating intelligence! (not only for businessmen!)


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There are tens of books on negotiations that have been written in Poland, and hundreds (or maybe thousands) that have been written worldwide. Is this one better? I don’t know. But it’s certainly different. Apart from classic (and less classic) negotiating techniques and fighting off unwanted bargains, it presents individual, sometimes funny, sometimes bloodcurdling adventures of the author who has always had an inclination towards negotiating and not taking things for granted.

How did these – not always well-thought-of and not always strategically played – negotiations end? Read this book and find out!

Oh, and one more thing: this book is not only about business negotiations, because we actually negotiate always and anywhere. The more you realize it and the more consciously you start doing it, the more efficient yet ethical your negotiations will be.

You will learn:

  • … why most people do not like (and are even afraid) to negotiate
  • what is holding you when you want to ask for a better offer
  • what aims you can reach knowing the basic rules of the game
  • what does a classic negotiating process look like
  • why not any negotiations are worth…winning
  • which techniques are the most efficient ones
  • what tips, tricks and strategies will make you an efficient negotiator
  • how to defend yourself against unethical tricks of the other party
  • what to do when negotiations end in failure
  • when it is worth passing up on bargaining and accepting the offer as it is
  • how to win in a smart, responsible, ethical and classy way
  • in what way you can learn about the motivation behind the other party, predict its behavior, anticipate its attack and avoid traps
  • why is it worth negotiating fair and in accordance with the win-win principle


Opinions on the product:


[Easy to listen to. Many ways of negotiating and tips on how not to fall into the hands of trained telemarketers. Thanks to this book I managed to bargain 2k in 2 minutes. Admittedly, I labored over this, since this was the first time for me, but it was worth it!]

[A great book with excellent examples taken from the life of the author himself. It really works, and I had the opportunity to experience this myself a few times already. This audio book paid off in just 30 seconds J I can sincerely recommend it!]

[Having finished this audio book, I went to my bank and demanded that my account be managed for free for one year and that I get two free cards, and the bank agreed. However, Go and bargain is not for everyone, you have to be strongly motivated to trade and simply like it. Thanks Mr. Dutko.]


Table of Contents

Why do you need another book on negotiations?

  • There are many road signs
  • Negotiations, Inc.
  • Manipulation – a bridge too far

Why do we negotiate?

  • Negotiations – the best business in the world
  • Ask and it will be given to you.
    A question worth 1200 zloty
  • Who should negotiate?
  • Different negotiating targets

Why are you afraid to bargain?

  • Negotiating is no conflict!
  • What is holding you?
  • Only the poor do not bargain

The anatomy and physiology of negotiations – 57 principles worth their weight in platinum

  • Preparing the ground
  • Negotiating foreplay
  • Main phase
  • Striking a bargain
  • A few tips at the end

Other tips and tricks

Negotiating aikido  – how to defend yourself 

Ethics  and negotiating savoir-vivre

Dutko, how much  did you negotiate?

Wise men on negotiating and exerting influence

Go on, leave! 


Maciej Dutko

Has been negotiating since he was a kid. In kindergarten he traded a golden watch for a pack of pellets; in elementary school he negotiated with a dishonest photographer; at university he bargained for his scholarship, but for a… change in the name of the institute as well; in business he negotiates each day.

It was not always that he would win. After bargaining with a psycho boss he lost his job; an argument used wrong blew a great opportunity of buying an apartment, wrong technique thwarted the plans of buying a dream car…

In this book, the author with shameless honesty shares his conclusions both on successful deals as well as on failures.

The owner of training (, editorial ( and auditing ( companies. The author of best-sellers (among them the “Biblia e-biznesu” and the “Efekt tygrysa”). Recognized by as one of the 100 most inspiring people in the interactive media.

More on the Author:

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© Book and page: Maciej Dutko & Evolu
© Cover and negotiating people design: Dominika Zakrzewska &

Informacje dodatkowe


E-book za 10 zł (w zamian za udostępnienie), E-book za 5 zł (w zamian za udostępnienie), Audio CD, Audio mp3, E-book, Książka


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Maciej Dutko

Na co dzień prowadzę firmę edytorską (korekta tekstów), w ramach projektu pomagam też e-sprzedawcom usunąć z ich ofert błędy psujące sprzedaż. Jeśli czas mi pozwala, dzielę się wiedzą podczas szkoleń i zajęć na najlepszych uczelniach biznesowych w Polsce (na zlecenie Allegro przeszkoliłem ponad 10 tys. sprzedawców i drugie tyle studentów).

Spłodziłem kilkanaście książek, w tym:
„Mucha w czekoladzie”,
„Targuj się! Zen negocjacji”,
„Efekt tygrysa”,
„Nieruchomościowe seppuku”
„Biblia e-biznesu” (to ponoć największy tego typu projekt na świecie).

Prowadzę szkolenia z niestandardowej obsługi klienta („Zen obsługi klienta”), z negocjacji („Zen negocjacji”) oraz ze skutecznych metod zwiększania e-sprzedaży („E-biznes do Kwadratu”) - uczestnicy tego ostatniego chwalą się nawet kilkusetprocentowymi wzrostami;).

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Najlepszy internet w Polsce? Orange Flex w formie aplikacji, który służy mi jako net mobilny, stacjonarny i zagraniczny! Pobierz, załóż konto i przed wyborem formy płatności wpisz kod MACIEJ9K94, a dostaniesz 3 m-ce po 1 zł + 30 zł do wykorzystania.

Jeśli dobre i praktyczne książki, to tylko w moim ukochanym Helionie!

Jako audiobookoholik a zarazem jeden z pierwszych akcjonariuszy Legimi korzystam z ogromu e- i audioksiążek w tym serwisie (sprawdź – 30 dni za darmo).

A jako że nie zawsze mam czas zadbać o zdrowe jedzenie, od lat pomaga mi wygodny i zdrowy katering z dostawą pod same drzwi, Nice To Fit You, który również polecam!

Rekomenduję tylko to, co sam lubię i z czego korzystam. Jeśli i Ty skorzystasz z moich rekomendacji, otrzymam drobną prowizję od firm, które polecam. A więc wygrywamy wszyscy i promujemy dobre i innowacyjne biznesy. Dzięki!

Uwaga: promocje się zmieniają, a ja nie za wszystkim nadążam. Nie gniewaj się więc, jeśli okaże się, że któraś z nich już się zakończyła, lecz daj mi znać, a uaktualnię opis.

Mucha w czekoladzie, Maciej Dutko